Petz Dogz 2

Petz Dogz 2
From UBI Soft
Pick a puppy pal from a pack of fuzzy and adorable puppies in Petz Dogz 2! Together, you and your new cuddly companion will encounter a world that's fun to play in, explore, and share. Dress up your puppy in fun puppy clothes, play for hours with new toys, or look for hidden surprises that can give your puppy new abilities. Customize your puppy's environment with items and toys, and unlock more goodies as you get better at caring for your new best friend. Watch your puppy grow, go on quests and adventures together, and unlock awesome mini-games.
Carefully read well what other puppies tell you. It might contain a clue. Buy accessories and give them as gifts to other villager puppies, they will wear them! Collect insects, flowers and fruits to get special items! ESRB Rated E for Everyone

  • Choose from seven adorable breeds, including Boxer and Husky, each with different fur colors and textures
  • Mix and match with Fantasy Breedz, including robot, tuxedo, zebra and more
  • Keep a daily Pet Journal where you can record your thoughts and show off badges and puppy photos
  • Take photos of your pup to print and share with friends
  • Use your sniff radar! There are a lot of interesting objects hidden in the world.

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